Comparison of Half Life of Winstrol In Oral and Injectable Form

Half life of Winstrol or any steroid will determine how long it will stay active in the body and how long it can be detected by performing any kind of drug test. Any steroid which has a very long half-life will need smaller amount of dosage and should be administered only once in a day. On the other hand, if any steroid has short half life then you need to take multiple dosages in a day in order keep the physiology active throughout the day.

Winstrol in its tablet form and injection form has different half-life. Therefore, if you are using this steroid the dosage for tablet and injection will vary.

Half life of Winstrol

The half life of Winstrol as a tablet is 8 hours while for injection it is 12 hours. Therefore, if you are taking tablets then you need to take twice a day, but taking injection once is sufficient. Also, the injection form is little different from the injection of other steroids as it is an oil based solution. Therefore, there are few persistent effects that happen very slowly with Winstrol injections which lasts almost a week. Therefore, with the drug test there are greater chances that you may fail the drug test if you have used the injection.

How Winstrol works?

The generic name of Winstrol is Stanzolol and its injection form has few incredible properties. Firstly, the elimination time of Stanozolol injection is little longer as compared to pills. Also, it is not used for cycles. However, it is beneficial in few areas. As compared to any other injectable forms of steroids, Winstrol injection is little different. With injections often, there is liver toxicity problem. Therefore, you should never exceed the dosage of 50 mg and use it for maximum period of 8 weeks.

It is no doubt a very strong anabolic steroid and can affect our liver however instead of advising you to avoid this drug, it is better to limit its usage. There are no guidelines available, but using this drug for 6 weeks within a year is sufficient. Also, some people may get severe joint pain during its cycle.

Athletes may find this steroid useful if you want to enhance speed and strength. Also, those who want to improve their physique and get hard muscle may prefer this steroid. By using it during cutting cycle you can get well defined muscular body. It can also help in reducing fat content in the body.

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