Surprising Places to Find Your Next Virtual Assistant

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Entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers are all far too familiar with the sky-high stress levels and endless workloads that come with the directorial territory. You find yourself buried in menial tasks, overwhelmed with schedule clashes and absolutely drowning in emails, and you take it on the chin because that’s your job, but what if there was another way? You won’t be able to drive and grow your business whilst you’re stuck in small edits and administrative duties, so consider hiring a virtual assistant. Yes, it can be incredibly hard passing on some high-level responsibilities and sensitive company information to someone who’s not there with you, but at some point, it’s absolutely necessary. If you’ve made the wise choice to find a virtual assistant, but you’re not quite sure where to find the right one for you, read on:

Social Media 

Taking to social media can seem a little crazy, but it’s actually a great way to find a virtual assistant! Putting the word out for help or following job listing groups will open you up to a whole database of assistants who are willing and ready to get working with you. You will also be able to connect with potential candidates quickly, easily and relatively casually, making the overall search far easier for you and your potential new employee.

Your Network 

Every good business owner knows that there is tremendous power in word of mouth and referrals. By asking around in your own network, you can be sure that you’ll find someone with a great work ethic and a proven track record of success. Ask your past colleagues, current staff, old classmates, friends and professional connections, at least one person will know of a stealthy talented virtual assistant that’s a great fit. Your network has a lot to give you, so really you should ask around before taking on any more team additions!

Workshops and Events 

Your next conference, workshop or professional networking event could be the key to finding your ideal virtual assistant! These occasions are sure to be full of talented people who could help you out, and if not, it’s absolutely full of professionals who work with and know virtual assistants. Make a conscious effort to ask around and get contacts to ensure that you find someone who has their finger on the pulse of your industry.


This one is slightly less obvious and a bit more obscure, but it can definitely drive some great results. Universities and TAFEs are always full of up and coming talent that’s eager, hungry and excited to be working with great entrepreneurial minds. If you’re looking for an assistant to guide, mentor and work with for the long run, this option is for you. Just be mindful and check their personal or professional references to be sure of their work ethic.


Outsourcing your talent has a lot of benefits. You’ll be able to secure a highly qualified, first-rate virtual assistant at a cost that you just can’t find here in Australia. Always be sure to collaborate with a reputable and trustworthy outsourcing provider to ensure that you’re working with someone who’s paid properly and well taken care of. Enjoy bonuses like increased productivity, efficiency, flexible working hours and round the clock customer services! Hire the best virtual assistant available through outsourcing.

Hiring a virtual assistant should be a question of finding the right fit for the way that you work. Anyone of these options is a great place to find a talented and hardworking virtual assistant, no matter the size or nature of your business operation.

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