Are You Wondering Why Your Legs Have Huge Veins?

If you do a lot of walking or standing on the job, or out of habit, you may be putting an extreme amount of pressure on your legs. This daily occurrence often goes unnoticed until one day you see a vein that is larger than it should be. You dismiss it and hope that it soon goes away. After a period of time, it has only gotten more enlarged, so you begin to wonder what the problem could be. Your leg veins may have become varicose, which is the enlargement and twisting of veins in the legs.

Talk with your doctor

At the first sign of enlarged veins in the legs, you should make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss varicose vein treatment options. Varicose veins can be mild, moderate, or severe. You want to get an accurate diagnosis and be informed of all of the treatment options for this disorder. The cause of varicose veins is generally a weakened valve in the leg veins. When this happens, the blood pools instead of flowing to the heart. The veins become swollen and enlarged, and in some cases, they can be very painful, causing discomfort. When the varicose veins are not too severe, home remedies may help reduce the pain, swelling, and the dark purplish appearance.

Try home care treatments

Exercise is good for the overall health of the body, and it is recommended to help treat varicose veins. A regular exercise routine will help encourage better circulation of the blood in the legs by pushing the blood that has collected in the veins. Wearing compression stockings will squeeze the muscles in the legs and help the blood to move toward the heart. They are available without a prescription for men and women. This is one of the first steps in trying to reduce the huge veins and getting them to look better, and be less painful.

Eat a healthy diet

Another optionis a dietary lifestyle change. If you love highly seasoned foods that contain salt and sodium, these should be eliminated from the diet. Sodium helps the body retain water. Foods rich in potassium will help with water retention. Eating foods like almonds, lentils, potatoes, leafy green vegetables, and cold-water fish like sardines, salmon, and tuna are all healthy choices to help reduce the pain and symptoms of varicose veins. Diet is important, especially for those who are overweight. Excess weight put you more at risk for varicose veins.

If you are wondering why your legs have those huge veins, check with your doctor. More severe cases of varicose veins may require more intensive treatment such as sclerotherapy which is a needle with a solution injected into the vein to close it. More invasive treatments are also available, but only your doctor will determine if they are necessary. Varicose veins mean that the veins in the legs are not working properly, and could lead to heart problems, and other health issues. Don’t let varicose veins get the best of you. Learn what your treatment options are and decide on the one that will work better for you. Sometimes, more than one treatment may be used.

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