Can I Get Health Insurance If I Have Allergies?

People around us usually under-estimate the inconvenience and pain caused by allergies. Many of them do not take it as a serious issue, but the fact is that in Indian allergy is one of the top reasons for which Indians visit hospitals frequently. An allergic response is basically an automatic reaction in a body. IT takes place when someone comes in contact with any foreign particles. Allergies may vary from person to person but the discomfort caused by the same is enough to make a visit at the hospital.

The most common allergies in India are pollen, dust, dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander. They are spread widely in India and making the lives of India tough. To deal with the allergies and to get the right treatment on time, it is necessary for you to have enough savings. As the cost of the same keeps on rising. Apart from this, if you do not have this much savings or don’t want to spend your hard earned money on medical bills then you must invest in a health insurance policy today. It is a must-have thing which will secure your overall well being. You must ensure that you are investing in an adequate health insurance policy so that it will be enough to deal with all medical contingencies. In India, there are many companies that you can consider for your Health Insurance purchase such as Star Health Insurance Company, Religare Health Insurance, SBI Health Insurance and many. The options are many, it’s up to you to compare and choose the best one as per your needs.

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Indians and Allergies

When it comes to India, around 30 percent of Indians are affected by allergies. The youngsters and young adults who fall in the category of 20 to 28 years are the major sufferers in India. The increasing pollution is one of the major reasons behind the growing cases of allergic reactions. These numbers keep on increasing which make it necessary to insure yourself with an adequate health insurance plan. If you are wondering whether a health insurance plan is enough to get coverage against allergies or not then you must read this article till the end.

Normally Indians are confused that they should ask for this cover from their insurer or not. Or does allergies are liable to get covered under health insurance or not? Because of this particular reason, most people avid to insure themselves with a health insurance plan.

To understand what’s covered and what’s not, let us understand the allergies first

  • Basic Allergies- Many people are allergic to dust that causes sneezing, making it hard to breathe, rashes on the skin and much more. Usually, such allergies are known as common and basic allergies and do not end up in the death of any serious complication. With adequate treatment, a person can easily become normal after a certain point in time.
  • Severe Allergies- A few allergies which cause an anaphylactic reaction just because the immune system overreacts to the allergy. These cases will lead a person towards severe reactions which includes serious breathing issues, loss of consciousness, etc., that mostly end up in hospitalization. If proper medical treatment is not taken on time, such allergies can be fatal.

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Health Insurance and Allergies

Health insurance is the most prominent way to get cover against severe allergies (which end-up with hospitalization) and hospitalization expenses. Although most insurance companies do not provide cover against normal allergies, you should have one so that you are ready to deal with any medical issue.

Search-out for a Health Insurance Plan

There are many things that can easily trigger an allergic reaction. Weaknesses vary from person to person. If someone is allergic to pollen, then he/she may get a few powerful sneezes only. Most of the health insurance companies like Star Health Insurance, Religare Health Insurance offer coverage for expenses incurred for the treatment of allergic reactions triggered by a sinus condition. You must look for an appropriate health insurance company for the same and choose a plan as per your needs.

Star Health Insurance refers to be one of the top health insurance companies in India. The claim ratio, a wide range of cover, customer assistance. The company has all the good things in it and will be a good one for your health insurance purchase.


Just keep in your mind that your allergy can not disqualify you from buying an adequate health insurance cover. Health insurance companies like Star Health Insurance will offer the required cover to you even if you are allergic. It offers the much-needed cover when it comes to paying the bills. We hope this article has cleared all your confusion regarding the purchase of health insurance if you are allergic.

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