Six Tips to Follow When Packing for Schoolies 2021

Schoolies is such a fun event for 12th grades, and if you are going on one soon, you should consider the things you will be packing now. It might be less than a year before schoolies next year, but you should already prepare for it. You do not do the actual packing now but know what you need to pack for schoolies 2021. If you know the things you need to bring for schoolies now, you can get a whole year looking for these things you need and not at the last minute.

Important Documents

Essential documents are an integral part of the things you need to pack during whatever travel, so schoolies 2021 is no exception. The documents you need to be with you are your itinerary and other travel documents like travel insurance and passport. Your ID should also be with you. Place them in a folder, so they are all in one place whenever you need to present any of them.

Always double-check that you have these items before you leave because if you forget them, you will not have great schoolies.


You must have enough clothes and underwear for day-time and night-time activities such as swimming, partying, or just walking around. Schoolies usually last for seven days, so be sure to pack day-time and night-time outfits and underwear for every day you are there. Once you are enjoying the events, you will not have any time to do the laundry so bring what you can as long as it is not too much.

Hygiene-Related Products

Although you can buy toothbrushes and toothpaste at the schoolies 2021 destination, it is better to have them before you leave home, so you do not have to pay extra costs anymore. It would be best if you also packed deodorant, soap, shampoo, facial wash, and the like. The usual things you use every day should be with you to feel comfortable and fresh while attending different events.

First-Aid Essentials

Just like any travel, safety must be a top priority. It would help if you packed some first-aid essentials like band-aids and the medications you need for any medical-related conditions. Ask adults to assist you with this, so you do not forget anything.


You should always bring your charger and your camera if you have one. You will enjoy taking photos at schoolies 2021, and you do not want a gadget that’s not working during your entire stay at the event just because you forgot to pack your charger.

Shoes That Will Make You Comfortable

Do not pack heels or boots or anything that’s not fit for schoolies 2021. Bring something you are comfortable with because you will be out and about during this week-long event as there are so many activities you will want to attend. You do not want to get stuck in your room because you do not have any comfortable shoes to use for walking.

Another tip for this travel is to save up as early as now and book at the earliest time possible to avoid problems once schoolies are set to take place. You do not want to be left out during this fantastic event as it is one for the books. Be sure to ask your friends if they will be going, too, because you might not enjoy the schoolies as much if you are not with them. Make the most of this event because you will only do it once!

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