What to do if You’re Experiencing Knee Pain

If you live in Saratoga Springs and believe that you might need knee surgery, there are a few things you should do to determine the right course of action. Surgery might not even be the best approach for your situation. Here are the best things to do if you are experiencing pain or have suffered a knee injury:

First and foremost, contact an orthopedic physician in Saratoga Springs for an appointment. They will be able to help you determine exactly what is wrong with your knee. These types of injuries can be debilitating because of how much you use your legs and knees, so the sooner that you can get into the doctor, the sooner you will find a solution and be on the road to feeling back to normal.

The right doctor will try every option before resorting to surgery to fix the issue. They should try to use minimally invasive treatments to see if it resolves the pain and problem. Not every knee injury warrants surgery anyway. Orthopedic physicians can even help you if you just have pain while exercising, have popping or locking, or receive any cuts or lacerations. They can also help with tears, cysts, bruises, and tendonitis, among other things. Some of their approaches may include oral medication, injections, exercises, therapy, or external supports that help function and relieve the pain in your knee.

Sometimes MRIs are suggested by orthopedic doctors, but there are some who try bedside musculoskeletal ultrasounds to correctly diagnose what is wrong on your first visit. This will allow you to know what the issues are without needing to get an MRI, which can be intimidating and expensive.

Although knee surgery is not always the best solution, sometimes it might be. Often with meniscus and ACL tears, the doctor in Saratoga Springs might insist that surgery is the best option to get you feeling back to normal. If this is the case, they will help you prepare for surgery in the best ways possible, and after surgery, they will help you recover or send you where you can receive the rehabilitation that you need.

Knee injuries are never fun, so acting quickly can make or break your experience. The sooner you can receive help with your pain and issues, the sooner you can determine the cause and what the problem is. The sooner you can receive a diagnosis for the issue from an orthopedic doctor in Saratoga Springs, the sooner you can receive the treatment or help you need to reduce pain and regain strength and mobility.

If you are experiencing knee pain and are in need of knee surgery in Saratoga Springs, contact Advanced Sports Orthopedic today! They offer same-day appointments and nonsurgical services to help relieve knee pain.

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