What you should know before a Dental Filling


Fillings happen to be a common dental procedure which is performed on thousands of people each year. The procedure is often quick and painless, however, there is all the apprehension of a slight complication occurring which is why your dentist must be well informed of your current health and medical history.

The purpose of a filling is to fill the gap left in a tooth which has come about from general decay or dental caries. Plaque, as well as bacteria buildup, leading to the formation of cavities, hinder the function and appearance of one’s teeth. Here are a few things you need to know before getting a filling:

1. Filling materials used

Filling materials can range anywhere from silver amalgam, composite resin, ceramic, porcelain, gold to glass ionomer. Each of these products come with its own set of pros and cons. With your dentist’s help, you can make the right choice about your health, needs and budget included.

2. The procedure followed for a dental filling

To prepare for the filling, you must be informed of the steps involved-

  • Firstly, the Plano dentist removes all decaying and dead material from the tooth which can involve enamel that cannot be saved. It is removed to insert and secure the replacement filling. The dentist administers an anesthetic so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain. The dentist then makes use of the drill which creates a strange sensation. The drill is used to eliminate any portion of the tooth that is unwanted.
  • Secondly, the dentist inserts the filling on the top before cleaning and polishing the entire tooth. For tooth-colored fillings, a special tool is used to harden the different layers.

You can prepare yourself for a cavity filling in the following manner:

  1. Regular Brushing

Ensure that you are consistent with regular brushing as well as flossing- before and after your filling.

  1. Get your doubts cleared

Ask your Plano dentist as many questions as you like before the procedure- this includes important factors such as the kind of anesthetic that is used, the numbing gel that they use, and so on.

  1. Have your paperwork ready

Ensure that before the procedure, your dentist has all your insurance information on a file so that you don’t have to worry about it at a later stage.

  1. Avoid self-medication

A few days before the procedure, it is important to avoid self medications as this might interfere with the dental anesthetics. Consult your dentist well in advance to get proper direction on any medication that you are on which can cause interference with the procedure. Inform your dentist of the medical conditions you currently have and also of the recent changes in your diet and overall health.

Visit Plano Smile Studio if you find that your teeth need help and treatment. For more information, visit the website.


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