Male Enhancement:

Penis size is considered a common source of anxiety. Many people are worried about their penis size. They use many methods for enhancement. Male Enhancement is a method of increasing penis size. There are a lot of treatments in order to increase the girth and size of the penis. Some people us vacuum pumps to increase the size. Other techniques include:

  • Penile extenders
  • Stretching techniques
  • Traction techniques
  • Pills
  • Injections
  • Hormones
  • Penis length surgery
  • Lotions
  • Exercises

These all are methods of penis enlargement, nonsurgical methods are seemed effective and safe.

Physical Techniques:

Physical techniques are normally used to enlarge the penis, to enhance sexual climax, to increase the duration of erection or achieve other objectives. Physical techniques include:


It is also called a penis pump. It is a vacuum erection device that creates negative pressure and increases the blood flow in the penis. But large pressure by vacuum can also damage the tissues of the penis. 30 minutes of pumping is maximum. Over 30 minutes can leads to permanent damage to the penile area. This method is not considered effective in clinical trials.


Jelqing is also known as milking. In this technique, the pressure is applied to the penis. The penis is pulled. Before jelqing lubricant is applied and a person is seated on a comfortable chair. It is an ancient Arab technique but there is no medical evidence about it. It may cause:

  • Scarring
  • Ruptures
  • Disfigurement
  • Desensitization


It is a non-surgical method to increase the size of the penis. In this method glans of penile are pulled for a longer time. Many studies showed that may lead to Peyronie’s disease. In this disease, plaque is formed inside the penis. It leads to erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, a positive impact is also seen on the small penis.

These all are non-surgical methods of penis enlargement. Supplementation is also a popular method of male enhancement. Many companies offer herbal products. These products claim for an increase in the girth and size of the penis and blood flow in penile areas. Supplements like testo drive 365 also improve the level of testosterone in the body and provide sexual satisfaction with the partner. Many male enhancement creams are also used in order to improve erection quality. Some people prefer exercises for penis enlargement. But one thing must be kept in mind that over or wrong treatment will lead to many complications. Some complications are irreversible.

Risk and Side Effects Of Male Enhancement:

Experiments have shown that there are more chances of complications in the surgical method as compare to pills or physical methods. Side effects may be:

  • Swelling of penis
  • Infection
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weaker erection
  • Damage if penis tissues
  • tumors

Their symptoms may lead from acute to chronic conditions. In severe conditions, the penis requires to remove.

Tips To Improve Sex Life:

Negative feelings about the size of your penis or inferiority complex can lead you on a high level of depression and anxiety. In order to overcome this problem counseling is very important. Trimming the pubic hair can also make the penis seem larger and cutting down the extra fat from the belly can also make your penile area seems larger.

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